Building strategic planning of the political parties project

The project of building strategic plans for political parties within the phase that aims to activate party institutions and establish their roles as a basic and main actor in the field after the absence and interruption of their roles in the past periods, the absence of political parties from the field of political action led to a tangible disconnection between political parties and the tools of action and political planning, to the extent that projects and goals were absent with the absence of roles and spaces dedicated for them.
Currently, at a time when this scene is being changed after the recent constitutional and legal amendments, which came as a result of the recommendations of the Royal Committee to Modernize the Political System, which have paved the way again for the parties to supplement their activities as major and influential actors, it has become necessary to work on rebuilding the link between party institutions and its tools and skills, arguably the forefront of these tools and skills that must be worked to grant and develop to the parties is the strategic planning tool for political parties, and all that is within this tool of ramifications and details, starting with goals and ambitions, up to practical plans linked to a schedules of implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
This project, which is implemented by the Institute, works with a group of five Jordanian political parties to build or develop their strategic plans by providing advice and technical guidance to party cadres during the construction of these plans, The project aims to reach, with these parties, clear strategic plans for all priority party sectors and areas, and a clear and practical political and electoral statement.
The project is implemented by the Institute in cooperation with the Netherlands Institute for Multi-Party Democracy (NIMD), as part of a series of activities and projects in which the two institutions cooperated.