The “Islamic State” after Al-Baghdadi murder project.

This project, implemented by the Politics and Society (PSI) in cooperation with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), aims to highlight the major transformations of ISIS, and foresee the organization’s future besides equivalent armed extremist organizations by applying academic measures and methods, which is applied according to the following themes:
- Reality assessment of extremist organizations.
- The growth and proliferation of the organizations locally, regionally and internationally.
- Clarify the developments of ideologies and strategies of ISIS.
- Assessing the impact of international policies on armed organizations.
- Review the impact and evaluation of counter-extremism strategies globally.
The Politics and Society Institute (PSI) will work within the project on mapping the status que of ISIS and assess its future amid the organization’s transformations, its internal development and the impact of the surroundings, accordingly the conference presented five discussion papers on the aforementioned themes, which were presented by a group of Arab and foreign experts and discussed in separate, closed, on-line sessions.
The papers and discussions were collected together and published in books in three languages, Arabic, English, and German by the Politics and Society Institute (PSI) and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) in Amman.