Electoral Campaign Trainer
Project: Effective representation of youth in local administration councils
Project description: In partnership with the King Abdullah II Fund for Development and the Politics and Society Institute, the “Active Representation of Youth in Local Administration Councils” project is being launched.
The project’s main goal is to contribute to empowering young candidates and enhancing their effective presence in municipal councils and local government, in accordance with the outputs of the Royal Committee for the Modernization of the Political System in the context of empowering youth and integrating them into municipal work and provincial (governorate) councils.
The project aims to educate and empower young candidates from different regions of the Kingdom about the law and local administration and its importance in local development. Furthermore, it aims to build their capacities and skills by providing the tools to organize their electoral campaigns and present their electoral programs in accordance with the requirements and needs of their communities. In addition, the project will work to strengthen participants’ knowledge about the best democratic practices towards effective political participation in the local administration, as well as to enhance their opportunities in the local government council elections.
The awareness sessions and training in the project will take place in the period of February to May 2022, with an average of 5-7 training days. The project requires the recruitment of an expert of local administration within the following fields and descriptions:
Training fields: Training candidates on campaign management, leadership skills, and community outreach, addressing the following topics:
– Advocacy.
– SWOT analysis.
– Stakeholder Analysis.
– Developing programs (including global environmental issues that have local impact) and writing the central message.
– Election campaign design and planning.
Those who meet the criteria are invited to submit their applications, including the following:
– C.V.
– Presenting a proposed training plan and methodological approach.
– Submitting a financial offer “based on the training day”.
Please send the offer and the required documents to the following email before Thursday, February 3, 2022: w.mansi@politicsociety.org