The Politics and Society Institute (PSI), “Higher Education” and “The University of Jordan” hold a closed session for student affairs deans.

The Minister of Higher Education, Dr. Azmi Mahafzah stressed that the decision to facilitate the involvement of young people in political work, especially in institutions of higher education, is a directive from the top of the pyramid of power.
The workshop was held at the University of Jordan, organized by the Ministry of Higher Education and the University of Jordan and in partnership with the Politics and Society Institute, the workshop includes the presence of students affairs deans of higher education institutions and the Chief Commissioner of the Independent Election Commission, Musa Al-Maaytah, and the Secretary General of the Ministry of Political and Parliamentary Affairs, Ali Al-Khawaldeh.
Mahafzah confirmed that the involvement is the responsibility of everyone, foremost among them are the deans of student affairs, Noting that there should be no abuse in the use of controls in partisan activities within universities.
In turn, the President of the University of Jordan, Dr. Nazir Obeidat stressed the need for an agreement between universities to unify steps in the next phase, pointing to the need for universities to stand at the same distance from all parties and to separate the academic and political aspects to preserve the independence of the educational process.
It is noteworthy that the workshop, which was moderated by Dr. Ismail Al-Zyoud, Dean of Student Affairs at the University of Jordan, discussed in its first session the legal framework for partisan work in universities with Professor of Public Law at Amman Arab University Numan Al-Khatib, while Al-Khawaldeh reviewed in the second session international experiences in partisan work in universities.
The workshop concluded with the former Minister of Culture and Youth, Muhammad Abu Rumman, with a discussion about the current partisan scene within Jordanian universities and the requirements of the next stage.
The workshop will publish a policy paper that includes the most important outputs and recommendations of the discussions and dialogues of the deans of student affairs and the regulators.