

On the Border of Conflict

Global protests erupted in the wake of the war that commenced on October 7th, capturing international attention. The effects of the war in Gaza are being felt worldwide, extending their impact from individuals to government bodies. Diplomatic relations have frayed as several nations severed ties, echoing calls for an immediate ceasefire. The Middle East region bears witness to the most…

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Regional repercussions of the Israeli war on Gaza

        Although the strategic implications of the war on Gaza have not yet emerged, which will be considerably associated with forthcoming developments on the ground, it is clear that there are repercussions and initial implications that have become apparent, since the war started, which reflects a major shift in the structure of regional relations, i.e the most accurate term in…

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Will Jordan pay the price?

       It is clear that there is considerable escalating and rising tension between Amman and Tel Aviv, Indeed, it is not anexaggeration or far from truth to describe the tension as a fierce diplomatic war, which Jordan is waging against Israel on several fronts: The United Nations, the Arab League, communications and influence on the positions of European countries in…

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“The Clash of Civilisations” in the war on Gaza

Not the clerics, but the politicians, are who have always claimed secularism, democracy, liberalism, or even leftism and conservatism, have devoted themselves to blatant and overt discourses, which they do not seek to hide or conceal. Is it a process of “employing religion” only, to serve politics and politicians and their various agendas, or a return and new revival of…

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In the “manufacturing” of ISIS’ narrative

In parallel and intensively with the course of the war in Gaza today, a fiercer war is taking place in the field of narratives, which represents one of the most important strategic and symbolic dimensions in today’s wars, especially with the entry of social media and modern technology into the heart of policy and attitude industries and the packaging of…

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Jordan after the Saudi-Israeli normalization

The statements of the Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman, (to the American Fox News network) a few days ago left no room for doubt or interpretation with regard to the Saudi-American-Israeli negotiations, through which the American administration aims to reach the normalization of Saudi-Israeli relations, which is something that is not… It seems easy or very close, but it…

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International Policies

Jordan’s strategic interests in light of US-Saudi negotiations

Presently, the Biden administration is earnestly pursuing concrete progress in its discussions with Riyadh concerning the normalization of relations between Saudi Arabia and Tel Aviv. The conversation no longer revolves around the mere possibility of normalization but centers on the terms of the imminent agreement to be reached by the three parties involved. It appears that the fundamental concept of…

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Jordan’s Syrian Refugee Crisis

Samah Bibars* Within their camps, Syrian refugees face difficult economic and social conditions, which have become increasingly difficult as aid and funding to support Jordan in hosting them has declined. These difficult conditions would turn these camps into time bombs that could explode in the face of society at any moment, as they are a source of danger if the…

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Climate Change and Environment Policies

“Our Community Story”: Groups of young Jordanians seek positive change in their governorates through short films on social media

Within few hours, a short film broadcast by the “Our Community Story” group in Tafila Governorate received hundreds of thousands of views and caused a great stir. Donors rushed to face the problem of the lack of clean water, which the film referred to, so they donated healthy water tanks to the Barbita village, and the Ministries of Health and…

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Japan’s Foreign Policy towards the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Introduction Japan imports approximately 90% of its crude oil from the Middle East[1] so that it is tremendously significant for Japan to ensure peace and stability in this area, which lays the foundation for international order and directly connects to national security the world over. In response to the 2015 Terrorist Incident regarding the Murder of Japanese nationals and Jordanian…

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