Economic Observatory: Lack of clarity on plans and executive bodies for economic vision programs and projects.

Economists warn about the dangers of “trained tourism sector migration.”.
Experts and specialists in the tourism sector have urged the government to speed up the release of key performance indicators, or KPIs, related to the vision of economic modernization. They see the vision of economic modernization as the last chance to reform the various sectors and address economic problems, especially since many previous strategies and plans have remained dead letters and have been placed on the shelves due to the failure of successive governments.
The major specified proposal was reached during a session held last week by the Economic Observatory of the Politics and Society Institute in the presence of certain tourist specialists, to check the level of government commitment to implementing the outcomes of the vision of economic modernization “Jordan is a world-class destination.”
The experts agreed on the importance of speeding up the distribution and clarity of the fundamental criteria, measuring indicators, and executive plan of the vision in the various sectors, including tourism, as promised by the government.
Experts stated that the implementation of the tourism sector vision plans has not yet been announced, despite the fact that there are initiatives that tourism sectors should begin implementing before the end of this year. They pointed to several problems that pose an impediment to the tourism sector in implementing the vision, the most significant of which is a lack of clarity on plans and executive bodies for the proposed initiatives and projects.
Experts emphasized the need to delve into the details of tourism executive plans in order to address the problems confronting the sector and impeding its development; they emphasized that there was a partnership in developing the vision among government institutions; however, there is concern that there will be no participatory implementation or that the opinion of those in charge of the tourism sector will be neutralized at the expense of other sectors.
Among the issues and obstacles confronting the industry, analysts stated that there is a focus on tourist investments and projects in certain locations; investors must stimulate and give amenities throughout the Kingdom as well.
Experts referred to the problem of trained tourism sector migration to neighboring countries, which will be reflected in a deterioration in tourist services, especially given the severe competition from many neighboring nations.
Dr. Muhammad Abdul Hamid Al-Qudah, General Coordinator of the Observatory, verified the government’s delay in releasing the executive plan and measuring indicators, after more than 100 days since the official launch of the vision, the main concern for all those interested and observers of its implementation is that the government has yet to indicate any implementation steps for the vision’s outputs, which must be in conjunction with the outputs of developing the public sector.
It is worth noting that the Politics and Society Institute established the Economic Modernization and Administrative Development Observatory to monitor the executive authorities’ adherence to the outcomes of the economic modernization vision and the Administrative Development Committee’s decisions.