The recently published book, “Islamists in Jordan: Religion, State, and Society” (to be published soon by the Friedrich Ebert-Stiftung in Amman) deals with the developments and transformations of the Jordanian Islamists in the aftermath of the Arab Spring, although it is, as the authors say a revisit to the field of political Islam in Jordan, however, goes beyond the traditional…
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Mohammad Abu Rumman and Yasmeen Al Jolani This article is part of a comprehensive series presented by PSI, discussing the Turkish elections. It includes a series of articles and an extensive seminar that raises questions to help us understand the Turkish electoral scene within the most important elections witnessed by the Turkish arena, as described by the international media. The…
Read More »A few days ago, the Politics and Society Institute (in Amman) and the Tammy Foundation for Youth Development published the book, which I co-authored with the researcher Kamel Al-Nabulsi, “Youth Policies in the Arab Countries: What Has Changed After the Arab Spring?”, which is a comparative and analytical study of the policies of eight Arab countries. Towards youth (Egypt, Tunisia,…
Read More »The world saw Knesset member Itamar Ben Gvir, in December 2021, grabbing his pistol, even though he was surrounded by Israeli soldiers, and pointing it at the Palestinians of Sheikh Jarrah. This scene embodies his program on which he ran in the recent Israeli elections, and now he and those who share the same program will most likely be part…
Read More »There is a huge difference between remaining subject to wishful impressions and analyses, and limited personal stances in understanding what took place – and what is still taking place – in the Arab world on the one hand, and transitioning into the world of scientific and objective research and analysis on the other, which defines events within conceptual approaches that…
Read More »A committee formed by the Jordanian king last year to modernise the country’s political system was met with a storm of scepticism. But several months ago, the committee issued a set of recommendations related to elections and political parties that would allow for deeper integration of youth and women in politics. Indeed, despite the significant public opposition to…
Read More »Amman- The Institute of Politics and Society has published on its website, a summary of intensive dialogue sessions with youth representing 13 political parties, within the framework of reviewing and evaluating the party youth’s vision of the outputs of the Royal Committee for the Modernization of the Political System, and their suggestions for transforming these recommendations and results into legislation…
Read More »The question of post-political Islamist parties calls for in-depth studies and readings that go beyond current trends to discuss the greater implications of democratic transition in the post-Arab Spring era.
Read More »Social democracy views freedom and justice as complementary and interrelated ideas, and any imbalance in one leads to imbalances in the other. Justice in the distribution of income and development gains, education, health, transportation and infrastructure (particularly technology infrastructure) leads to a decent life for all citizens, with no hegemonic power for some groups over others in society, and no…
Read More »The year 2020 witnessed the passing of the tenth anniversary of the start of the Arab revolutions, which ignited the first spark from the body of the Tunisian young man, Mohamed Bouazizi, who burned himself after being insulted by the local authorities in the city of Sidi Bouzid after they confiscated the vegetable cart from which he was feeding, to…
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